Our Story
We would like to take a minute to introduce ourselves! We are the Garrison family of Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey, Art (Dad), Jen, (Mom) Samantha, Jessica and Pauly. After years of watching homesteaders raising animals on pasture, we decided that this was something that we strongly believed in and felt the calling to get involved. While the Jersey Shore might not be thought of as the hotbed for farming, we chose to “grow where we were planted” and start up our little operation in an area where the most profitable crop to grow on pasture is HOUSES! After a series of opened and closed doors for land use opportunities, we were Divinely lead to our present location in Middletown, NJ. We enjoy raising and seeing these animals thrive and do what they were made to do. And we of course, enjoy the A-MAZING finished product! It is incredibly satisfying to know we are providing the most humanely raised pastured protein that you can buy!